mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Remove text decoration link css

Removing text decoration - CSS MaxDesign. HTML and CSS Tutorial: Removing Links Underline. CSS Links - CSS tutorial - EchoEcho. Com.

Remove the underline under the links in HTML/CSS - Kioskea. Removing blue links on iOS devices - Help – Litmus.

Remove text decoration link css

At this point you may wish to remove the text underline. as their placement and other feedback mechanisms make them more obviously links. CSS CODE. HTML hyperlinks are underlined (by default) and it is possible to remove the colored a. nounderline:link { text-decoration:none. } . While they do provide a nice contrast from black text on a white background, Tony's solution involves adding a simple bit of embedded CSS in the of your HTML. I tried again, only adding a style to remove the underline on the links.

Removing the Underline From Hyperlinks — Dorward's

This method is recommended if you want to remove the underlines on some (but not all) of your links. Just add STYLE="text-decoration: none" on the links that. One of the most common uses of CSS with links is to remove the underline. Typically it's done A:hover {text-decoration: underline overline. color: red.} .

Css - Remove stubborn underline from link - Stack Overflow

HTML and CSS Tutorial: Removing Links Underline. CSS Links - CSS tutorial - EchoEcho. Com. One of the most common uses of CSS with links is to remove the underline. Typically it's done A:hover {text-decoration: underline overline. color: red.} .

Removing blue links on iOS devices - Help – Litmus. Removing text decoration - CSS MaxDesign.

Remove the underline under the links in HTML/CSS - Kioskea.

At this point you may wish to remove the text underline. as their placement and other feedback mechanisms make them more obviously links. CSS CODE. This method is recommended if you want to remove the underlines on some (but not all) of your links. Just add STYLE="text-decoration: none" on the links that. HTML hyperlinks are underlined (by default) and it is possible to remove the colored a. nounderline:link { text-decoration:none. } .

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